
30 Usage of rama and ramanti

30 Usage of rama and ramanti I am replying to a part of comment of comment by Shri Latvian. topics for discussion: rama-ramanti ... In latvian `rāms, rāma` doesn`t mean only calm, today maybe it seems to be that, but true vision we see, for example, in earlier latvian translations of the Bible, where `rāms, rāma` means more - to be connected, immerged into connection with God or virtues; this show many differencies beside usual secular life - rāms uz dusmām ( calm/inactive to anger) or `rāmis` (a frame (for example a frame of painting)) - word `rāms, rāma` show a process to curb or to moderate when some person is curbing himself, so `rāms, rāma` sense is wide in latvian language. ... REPLY FROM YBRAO A DONKEY Thanks for the excellent feedback. I nourish a belief that ancient Latvian literature and ancient Indian Sanskrit literature has some fraternal (brother - bhrAta) relationship, and according to history both were more ancient than Christianity and Bible. Hence, the Latvian wo...

029 Latvian Language Helper

With the help of Shri Latvian, I could strengthen my interest into Latvian language and culture. I have started in the process, -- I am, yet, pursuing a search for an offline pdf file / text file which contains a very large list of Latvian words with their English meanings. There are many online word-search tools available, but it will be very expensive to be continuously in touch with the online dictionaries using internet. It will also be inconvenient, particularly when we cannot easily get a net connection. I furnish here a link to & a screenshot of a Latvian language helper I found on the net. Latvian language helper at This link has a downloadable windows program for Latvian English & English to Latvian Dictionary. I, am unable to use it because I work in Linux-Ubuntu 10.10. Very few Latvian linux tools seem to be available. I hope that Shri Latvian has not misunderstood me, when I wrote about the racialism of England and United States...


Photo courtesy' style='height:20em;'> . History of ancient religion of Latvia and Lithuania, is very fascinating. Here is a link to LITUANUS. LITHUANIAN QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. Volume 33, No.3 - Fall 1987. Editor of this issue: Vilius L. Dundzila. ISSN 0024-5089. Copyright © 1987 LITUANUS Foundation, Inc. click to go to . The merit of this piece of analysis is its objectivity and apparent absence of bias. Latvia and Lithuania (& their nearby associates like Sudovia etc.) seem to be only countries in Europe which seem to have successfully resisted the Christian onslaught. They also seem to have understood the futility of accepting one person as a prophet, and taking the sermons delivered in Church pulpits as sacrosanct(s). So called prophets (numerous in the world) who claimed to have received the words of God from some sky or something else have only succeeded in misleadi...

Indo-Aryan_migration theory

Topics for discussion: Indo Aryans Here is an in-depth studies into the theory of Indo-Aryan Migration into India (and vice versa). Click to go to Priest class advocated that they were born from mouth of creator. Warriors were declared to have been born from chest of creators. Trader and agriculturist class persons were declared to have been born from thighs of creator. Servant class persons were declared to have been born from feet of creator. From an analysis of Indian mythological books Valmiki Ramayana, vyasa mahAbharata, and vyAsa mahAbhagavata, I felt that Aryans who migrated to India (not-necessarily INVADED) tried to keep their clans undiluted, by restricting occupational freedom and marital freedom from through a very strict enforcement of four caste system. Aryan society insisted on enforcement of catur (four) varNa (color) system. Brahmins (priests) considered themselves as white. Allowed warriors (kshatrias) to be ...

#026 More about spread of Old Prussian-Latvian-Lithuanian to India

Sanskrit is a worship-language, basically. (Christian missionaries out of their misplaced cruel pride call it pagan worship), as if what is followed on Church pulpits, is not pagan. The concept of pagan itself is imaginary. Everything is pagan or EVERYTHING IS NOT PAGAN. We can't have some thing pagan and something superior. All India radio broadcasts everyday news in Sanskrit language, 5 minutes at a time. Click to go to . This link contains radio daily news schedules of different Indian languages. You will find Sanskrit in the list, with 2 further links one for morning news and another for evening news. If you click the link, an mp3 file of the latest news opens in the default Movie player of your browser. You can listen to Sanskrit language. You can also save the streamed file so that you can have two or three listenings to capture the vocabulary and sentence construction. When I started this blog, I started by studying a we...

#025 Reply to Shri lATvian about trejdevinas

Shri lATvian commented as under: latvian has left a new comment on your post "OLD SAXON ENGLISH, LATVIAN, LITHUANIAN, OLD PRUSSI...": to `kalpa` similar is latvian word `kalps' which mean a servant or a menial, `kalpo` is serving, `kalpot` to serve, `kalpone` a maid, `pakalpīgs` complaisant, obliging, etc. hindi `kalpa-druma` is like `kalpdrums`or `palīgdrums, however latvian language doesn`t have and doesn`t have need to use that form due climatical circumstancies here, because trees here can grow without human care, however these word-forms are literaly correct. In today Latvia ancient calendar is not popular, because we have 7 day week, ancient calendar is mostly used for interesents first, then ancient religy practics, also big part latvians are holding fest dates in mind, some dates are common to today cristian important dates. Also, weather anticipation traditions by weather in special dates is used. Latvian calendar is not hard to keep in mind. Latvians are ...

#024 Ancestor worship in ancient and present India

My friend Shri lATvian has informed in his comments as under (I quote from his comment): ... Interesting thing you wrote about souls way hanging in the air after body death. Latvians have similar tradition regaling death souls. Latvians are doing this in october, put various food on the table in outside and staying for souls of dead people. This period last`s about month. ... . ybrao a donkey Click to go to . I quote from the above web page: Samskaras Hindu Funeral Rites and Ancestor Worship [1] Antyesti, Sraddha and Tarpana 6. Another Form of Sraddha I will conclude this article by mentioning a final variation to the sraddha process, which is based on the ancient Pancaratra[1] tradition whose influence can be readily seen in the Mahabharata some of the Puranas. A follower of Visnu is enjoined to perform the sraddha rites with the remnants of food first offered to Visnu. The Padma-purana enjoins that deities other than Vis...