30 Usage of rama and ramanti
30 Usage of rama and ramanti I am replying to a part of comment of comment by Shri Latvian. topics for discussion: rama-ramanti ... In latvian `rāms, rāma` doesn`t mean only calm, today maybe it seems to be that, but true vision we see, for example, in earlier latvian translations of the Bible, where `rāms, rāma` means more - to be connected, immerged into connection with God or virtues; this show many differencies beside usual secular life - rāms uz dusmām ( calm/inactive to anger) or `rāmis` (a frame (for example a frame of painting)) - word `rāms, rāma` show a process to curb or to moderate when some person is curbing himself, so `rāms, rāma` sense is wide in latvian language. ... REPLY FROM YBRAO A DONKEY Thanks for the excellent feedback. I nourish a belief that ancient Latvian literature and ancient Indian Sanskrit literature has some fraternal (brother - bhrAta) relationship, and according to history both were more ancient than Christianity and Bible. Hence, the Latvian wo...