#026 More about spread of Old Prussian-Latvian-Lithuanian to India
Sanskrit is a worship-language, basically. (Christian missionaries out of their misplaced cruel pride call it pagan worship), as if what is followed on Church pulpits, is not pagan. The concept of pagan itself is imaginary. Everything is pagan or EVERYTHING IS NOT PAGAN. We can't have some thing pagan and something superior.
All India radio broadcasts everyday news in Sanskrit language, 5 minutes at a time. Click to go to http://www.newsonair.com/nsd_schedule.asp.
This link contains radio daily news schedules of different Indian languages. You will find Sanskrit in the list, with 2 further links one for morning news and another for evening news. If you click the link, an mp3 file of the latest news opens in the default Movie player of your browser. You can listen to Sanskrit language. You can also save the streamed file so that you can have two or three listenings to capture the vocabulary and sentence construction.
When I started this blog, I started by studying a website which contained the sentence structure of Old Prussian language. The sentence grammar structure I found there was very similar to what is followed in the AIR news. When you hear the AIR Sanskrit news you may feel that you are listening to Old Prussian news. I am at present unable to trace that web page.
Sanskrit- worship language used in Indian ceremonies has been derived from Vedic Sanskrit. But the 4 vedas Rigveda, Yajurveda, Sama Veda, Atharvana Veda have a vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation which has not been much disturbed since 1500 B.C. These scriptures might have been brought by the Aryans from Baltics directly through Bactria (Central Asia and Afghanistan). Aryan prayers worry more about diseases, safety of wives, safety of cows. Rarely about horses. They might have been singing these Vedic prayers during their arduous journeys from NE Europe to NW India, to ensure that they do not fall prey to diseases, cows and bullocks do not die, wives are not stolen etc.
Some other group of Aryans might have brought it via Iran. Zorashtrian scripture Ahur Mazda has some similarities with Sanskrit and Old Prussian. While Parjanya (called Indra and Varuna-rain God in current usage, though parjanya is more referred to clouds and thunderbolts) seems to be more popular in Baltics, Zorashtrian worship seem to give greater weight to fire worship. You can study how much importance was given to fire (e.g. cremation of dead persons instead of burial) in ancient Baltics.
Parjanya in India is more important for agriculture, to get timely rains. Maintenance of home-fires (these are called "gArhaspatya agni (literal meaning "householder fires" in Aryan culture)is important, even from practical point of view. In those days there were no match sticks. Fire used to be produced by rubbing two woods called araNi. Fire is necessary for keeping warm, for cooking food, keeping wild animals and serpants away, movements during nights, threatening enemy tribals. Hence priests were entrusted with the sacred duty of maintaining fires.
Though Vedas are sung in 1500 BC language they give No. 1 rank to Indra (parjanya), and No. 2 rank to agni or fire God (also called jAta vEda). Fire is considered as the Medium (also God) which carries the sacrificial offerings called "havis" (mostly meats of slaughtered animals - modern equivalent after Buddhist influence uses clarified butter, dried herbs,shrubs). Hence fire God is also called "hutabhuk". Huta= what is burnt in fire, from which we get the word Ahuti. Zorashtrian word Ahur Mazda is also relevant here. Bhuk= eat. bhUk= hunger. Bhukti = what is eaten or livelihood for eating.
Study of Vedic worship methods may thus take us into a time capsule of worship methods used in Baltics of 2000-1500 BC, which might have been erased by Roman Catholic Invasions in Baltics, but is continuing in India, mostly undisturbed even after 3500 years. Undisturbed, because: India is a very large country. When Muslims invaded India with Islam, and Europeans invaded India with Christianity, people fled from one part of this vast land to another part. For this reason only you will find pehlavis (Iranian Aryan) even in the Southern-most tip of India, side by side with South Indian dravidian culture. This coexistence was possible because kings of different dynasties ruled their different kingdoms, following different worship methods. Forests separated them.
These methods spread to Srilanka, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, via Bay of Bengal, when people escaped from India to save themselves further invasions from North. For this reason only though Indonesia is the country with largest Muslim population in the world, they have Sanskrit names. Kings of Thailand also have Sanskrit names.
Thus Christianity removed everything ancient in Europe and refuses to accept that a great civilisation existed prior to Christianity and Greek in Europe. The Old Prussian-Latvian-Lithuanian-Sudovian language which escaped from Christianity and spread to India and South East Asia, now renamed Sanskrit, is continuing the old traditions.
Funniest thing: Present Chief Religious party in India, tourist guides, preachers, monks, cultural organisations think that Aryan culture is Indian ancient culture. Many Indians believe that it spread from India to Europe and South East Asia, and not vice versa. They do not accept that it came down from Baltics.
Below this layer of Aryan culture remain hidden, the ancient cultures of India. Just as Ancient Baltic culture was hidden under the superimposed history made by Roman, Germanic invaders, ancient Indian culture is hidden under the culture of Aryan invaders. Just as Roman Catholics called Ancient Baltics pagans, Aryans did not consider ancient native Indians as humans. They made them monkeys with tails (see Ramayana scripture), serpants (nAgas), etc. Note: asurAs , daityas, rAkshasAs, demons, were also branches of Aryans. These are not to be confused with original inhabitants of India, who were driven to forests. May be bhils, gonds, santAls (hundreds of other tribes) were original inhabitants of India, just as American Indians in US, gipsies in Europe, and aboriginals in Australia.
All India radio broadcasts everyday news in Sanskrit language, 5 minutes at a time. Click to go to http://www.newsonair.com/nsd_schedule.asp.
This link contains radio daily news schedules of different Indian languages. You will find Sanskrit in the list, with 2 further links one for morning news and another for evening news. If you click the link, an mp3 file of the latest news opens in the default Movie player of your browser. You can listen to Sanskrit language. You can also save the streamed file so that you can have two or three listenings to capture the vocabulary and sentence construction.
When I started this blog, I started by studying a website which contained the sentence structure of Old Prussian language. The sentence grammar structure I found there was very similar to what is followed in the AIR news. When you hear the AIR Sanskrit news you may feel that you are listening to Old Prussian news. I am at present unable to trace that web page.
Sanskrit- worship language used in Indian ceremonies has been derived from Vedic Sanskrit. But the 4 vedas Rigveda, Yajurveda, Sama Veda, Atharvana Veda have a vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation which has not been much disturbed since 1500 B.C. These scriptures might have been brought by the Aryans from Baltics directly through Bactria (Central Asia and Afghanistan). Aryan prayers worry more about diseases, safety of wives, safety of cows. Rarely about horses. They might have been singing these Vedic prayers during their arduous journeys from NE Europe to NW India, to ensure that they do not fall prey to diseases, cows and bullocks do not die, wives are not stolen etc.
Some other group of Aryans might have brought it via Iran. Zorashtrian scripture Ahur Mazda has some similarities with Sanskrit and Old Prussian. While Parjanya (called Indra and Varuna-rain God in current usage, though parjanya is more referred to clouds and thunderbolts) seems to be more popular in Baltics, Zorashtrian worship seem to give greater weight to fire worship. You can study how much importance was given to fire (e.g. cremation of dead persons instead of burial) in ancient Baltics.
Parjanya in India is more important for agriculture, to get timely rains. Maintenance of home-fires (these are called "gArhaspatya agni (literal meaning "householder fires" in Aryan culture)is important, even from practical point of view. In those days there were no match sticks. Fire used to be produced by rubbing two woods called araNi. Fire is necessary for keeping warm, for cooking food, keeping wild animals and serpants away, movements during nights, threatening enemy tribals. Hence priests were entrusted with the sacred duty of maintaining fires.
Though Vedas are sung in 1500 BC language they give No. 1 rank to Indra (parjanya), and No. 2 rank to agni or fire God (also called jAta vEda). Fire is considered as the Medium (also God) which carries the sacrificial offerings called "havis" (mostly meats of slaughtered animals - modern equivalent after Buddhist influence uses clarified butter, dried herbs,shrubs). Hence fire God is also called "hutabhuk". Huta= what is burnt in fire, from which we get the word Ahuti. Zorashtrian word Ahur Mazda is also relevant here. Bhuk= eat. bhUk= hunger. Bhukti = what is eaten or livelihood for eating.
Study of Vedic worship methods may thus take us into a time capsule of worship methods used in Baltics of 2000-1500 BC, which might have been erased by Roman Catholic Invasions in Baltics, but is continuing in India, mostly undisturbed even after 3500 years. Undisturbed, because: India is a very large country. When Muslims invaded India with Islam, and Europeans invaded India with Christianity, people fled from one part of this vast land to another part. For this reason only you will find pehlavis (Iranian Aryan) even in the Southern-most tip of India, side by side with South Indian dravidian culture. This coexistence was possible because kings of different dynasties ruled their different kingdoms, following different worship methods. Forests separated them.
These methods spread to Srilanka, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, via Bay of Bengal, when people escaped from India to save themselves further invasions from North. For this reason only though Indonesia is the country with largest Muslim population in the world, they have Sanskrit names. Kings of Thailand also have Sanskrit names.
Thus Christianity removed everything ancient in Europe and refuses to accept that a great civilisation existed prior to Christianity and Greek in Europe. The Old Prussian-Latvian-Lithuanian-Sudovian language which escaped from Christianity and spread to India and South East Asia, now renamed Sanskrit, is continuing the old traditions.
Funniest thing: Present Chief Religious party in India, tourist guides, preachers, monks, cultural organisations think that Aryan culture is Indian ancient culture. Many Indians believe that it spread from India to Europe and South East Asia, and not vice versa. They do not accept that it came down from Baltics.
Below this layer of Aryan culture remain hidden, the ancient cultures of India. Just as Ancient Baltic culture was hidden under the superimposed history made by Roman, Germanic invaders, ancient Indian culture is hidden under the culture of Aryan invaders. Just as Roman Catholics called Ancient Baltics pagans, Aryans did not consider ancient native Indians as humans. They made them monkeys with tails (see Ramayana scripture), serpants (nAgas), etc. Note: asurAs , daityas, rAkshasAs, demons, were also branches of Aryans. These are not to be confused with original inhabitants of India, who were driven to forests. May be bhils, gonds, santAls (hundreds of other tribes) were original inhabitants of India, just as American Indians in US, gipsies in Europe, and aboriginals in Australia.