Shri lATVian has commented as under:
Lakshmi - Laime; similar word is Veiksme [Veikhsme](luckiness) and Līksme (Liikhsme)( a mirth). I wrote about vowel changes in baltic languages and dialects, so i think Lakshmi could be Līksme (Lakshmi devata - Līksmes dieviete). I tend to think sanskrit is not just baltic language, it should be baltic inspired language for managing empire with hundreds of languages or for religic cases like latin language across world in catholic church. Analizing words and forms, many of them seems alien for baltic, it is hard to understand lot of them, but maybe i think wrong - differencies between latvian and lithuanian shows words can be different source as both languages are agglutinative languages, so it is possible sanskrit have only baltic source words whose baltics don`t know and don`t understand. About grammar - sanskrit have simple grammar, baltics complicated. Baltics agglutinative creating of words, sanskrit seems to be agglutinative too, but more is tend to compound words in a phrase.

If Celtics invaded lATVia in 5000 years back (3000 years BCE), and they migrated to North India, during these 5000, the Sanskrit might have imported several native Indian words. Apart from drAViDs of the Indus Valley Civilisation (major Indian population in those days), we have regional populations (I shall not like to call them tribes, as it will be nothing but condescension) such as gONDs, santALs, bhils, gutti kOYAs et al. Just as ancestral BAlTic languages got mixed up with Celtic, Norman, probably some South European-Roman-Catholic words, Sanskrit might have added words like prAkritam, paiSAci, pALi.

Hence, let us accept that our work will not progress.

There are many high-income Indians both in India and in the Western world, who believe that India taught everything to the world, when the world was not in a position to wear even a kaupIna (loin cloth). They believe that Aryans spread to all parts of the world and hence Sanskrit words are found in North Indian languages. You might have read the comment made by Shri Paddy at this blog. European historians and many Indian historians contradicted it.

India's principal opposition party BJP (bhAratIya janatA Party) and its allies also seem to entertain the view of Aryan superiority and their origin in India.

However, from historians' and linquists' points of view, we need not entertain any bias or partiality to any particular race or language.

Apart from similarities of Sanskrit and bAlkan languages, and GODS/GODDESSES (denigrated by Christian rulers as pagans and probably HEATHENS) , we have to dig out the historical background, which the Roman and Celtic rulers tried to erase.

Similarities of mythological stories, kings and their dynasties, commonness of invasions/migrations which later got assimilated with the native cultures, all these things we have to take into account.

Example of common invader/migrations: You have written that HUNNs invaded BAltics during the 4th Century AD. You will be surprised to find that the same HUNNs invaded India during 4th/5th Century AD and destroyed the Gupta empire and culture. I have already highlighted that the fondness of Guptas towards Sanskrit language and Hindu Gods like Visn, rAma.

You have mentioned in one of your comments, about invasions by Sakas. India was invaded by Sakas between first Century AD and 4th Centuries, before HUNNs.

Could Sakas have some relationship with sakulpas?

Both Sakas and hUNNs finally got integrated with the Indian Society and their vocabulary too got merged with SAnskrit and other Indian languages.

In one of the links provided by you, I came across a word "skandhaja" (which Google could not translate into English). This seems to be a God's name or a king's name.

This "skandhaja" is very important in Hindu culture. He has several names such as kArtikEya, shaNmukha, kumAra, shaDAnana, subrahmaNya, murugan, sharavaNabhava (one who is born from darbha grass- a type of grass ). He is regarded as the supreme commander of dEvAs (Gods).

This skandhaja is adorned with three horizontal marks across, on his face above eyebrows. He is regarded as son of Lord Shiva. ViShn worshippers wear one or three vertical marks. We are able to trace viShN and laime mAte in the LATvian Gods and Goddesses, while we could not so far trace anything about Shiva/rudra/Shankara (different names of same God of kEdArnath, North India).

vAlmiki rAmAyan which is more a viSHn oriented epic, has a few references to Lord kArtikEya (skandha).

I have already given in one of my comments, about the link of Shiva worship-phallus worship to the Crete -Greece and you have made a few observations about Crete-Greece-Baltic links.

skandha or skandhaja mentioned above needs more digging in the LATVian books, links given by you. I hope you may be able to do more on this skandhaja, as you are more familiar the laTvian/BAltic culture and language. I am trying with google translations. I hope I shall also be able to come up with something worthwhile.


skandsgupta said…
people like you are in the secluded caves far from reality, if I ask you the meaning of "ary" you wont be able to even blabber. aryans or Arya only originated from India and these were the GUPTAS who invaded into those lands of east europe and near mediterranian. we the aryans invaded those far off land beyond Sindu or Indus valley. aryan invasion is figment of some selfcentered races and nationality. the fallacy has stayed more than required.

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