30 Usage of rama and ramanti
30 Usage of rama and ramanti
I am replying to a part of comment of comment by Shri Latvian.
topics for discussion: rama-ramanti
Thanks for the excellent feedback.
I nourish a belief that ancient Latvian literature and ancient Indian Sanskrit literature has some fraternal (brother - bhrAta) relationship, and according to history both were more ancient than Christianity and Bible. Hence, the Latvian words used in Latvian Bible, might have been derived from the ancient Latvian language.
Has a meaning of 'enjoy, be in union with, connected to while getting delightful union'. Here is a beautiful quote from Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 10, verse 09.
रमंते (rama.nte) = revel; enjoy (Vr.Pr.III P Pl.AP)
रमते (ramate) = delights
रमन्ति (ramanti) = enjoy transcendental bliss
रमावास (ramaavaasa) = the abode of rama (lakshmi). This refers to Goddess Laime (beloved & wife of Lord Visn - VishNu). रमे (rame) = Oh! ramA रमेशं (rameshaM) = the lord of ramA
rAma is a derivation from the short-vowelled rama. Extended meaning: Refers to Prince rAma in rAmAyaNa Epic. The prince was so handsome that, even men found him lovable. Link to visit this page: Click to have a full page of Sanskrit word meanings. Useful..
The above bhagavad gIta verse 10-09 about tushyanti ramanti (meaning: they satisfy themselves, they enjoy) seems to have been extensively used by one organisation called ISKON (International Society for KrishNa Consciousness) for spreading their cult. They didn't apparently leave Riga, Latvia. You can see this from the following webpage: Click to go to http://www.spiritual-revolutionary.com/TFTD/TFTD064.htm.
(More to write. To continue).
I am replying to a part of comment of comment by Shri Latvian.
topics for discussion: rama-ramanti
... In latvian `rāms, rāma` doesn`t mean only calm, today maybe it seems to be that, but true vision we see, for example, in earlier latvian translations of the Bible, where `rāms, rāma` means more - to be connected, immerged into connection with God or virtues; this show many differencies beside usual secular life - rāms uz dusmām ( calm/inactive to anger) or `rāmis` (a frame (for example a frame of painting)) - word `rāms, rāma` show a process to curb or to moderate when some person is curbing himself, so `rāms, rāma` sense is wide in latvian language. ...
Thanks for the excellent feedback.
I nourish a belief that ancient Latvian literature and ancient Indian Sanskrit literature has some fraternal (brother - bhrAta) relationship, and according to history both were more ancient than Christianity and Bible. Hence, the Latvian words used in Latvian Bible, might have been derived from the ancient Latvian language.
rama (with 'a' short vowel pronunciation as in bus, lust, rust) in Sanskrit
Has a meaning of 'enjoy, be in union with, connected to while getting delightful union'. Here is a beautiful quote from Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 10, verse 09.
1009. Wise fill their minds with my thoughts. Wise surrender their lives to me. Wise tell and teach among themselves about me. Thus, they enjoy and satisfy themselves. -- machchittA madgataprANA bOdhayamtah parasparam ☀ kathayamtaS ca mAm nityam tushyanti ca ramanti ca.
Meaning given at http://sanskritdocuments.org/dict/dictall_unic.html
रमंते (rama.nte) = revel; enjoy (Vr.Pr.III P Pl.AP)
रमते (ramate) = delights
रमन्ति (ramanti) = enjoy transcendental bliss
रमावास (ramaavaasa) = the abode of rama (lakshmi). This refers to Goddess Laime (beloved & wife of Lord Visn - VishNu). रमे (rame) = Oh! ramA रमेशं (rameshaM) = the lord of ramA
rAma (A is long in pronunciation
rAma is a derivation from the short-vowelled rama. Extended meaning: Refers to Prince rAma in rAmAyaNa Epic. The prince was so handsome that, even men found him lovable. Link to visit this page: Click to have a full page of Sanskrit word meanings. Useful..
...where `rāms, rāma` means more - to be connected, immerged into connection with God or virtues;...The above quote given by you essentially refers to the connection of jIvAtma (living soul) to paramAtma (supreme God). It is the essence of the famous book bhagavad gIta which is a part of the mahAbhArata epic with 115000 verses with 18 volumes. This is nothing but yOga or a yoked condition, or "connected to God or virtues". While I cannot say whether Italian or German or Israeli bibles were influenced by bhagavad gita, LaTvian bible is influenced by ancient Latvian language and philosophy.
One funny thing on internet, observed by ybrao a donkey, about use of RAMANTI in RIGA, LATVIA
The above bhagavad gIta verse 10-09 about tushyanti ramanti (meaning: they satisfy themselves, they enjoy) seems to have been extensively used by one organisation called ISKON (International Society for KrishNa Consciousness) for spreading their cult. They didn't apparently leave Riga, Latvia. You can see this from the following webpage: Click to go to http://www.spiritual-revolutionary.com/TFTD/TFTD064.htm.
About self-control and self-regulation
At present, we are not using the word 'rama' to refer to self-control and self-regulation. Indian languages and Sanskrit have some words like: niyam, niyama, niyamam = rule, regulation, organise etc. (This word might have been influenced by patanjali yOga sUtra ashTAnga mArga's 'yama-niyamams'.) niyantraNa =regulation, organisation. (This may be from yantra= machine, organisation, structure).(More to write. To continue).